Industry News
Jones Homes Covid-19 /Coronavirus Buying & Selling Procedures
COVID-19/Coronavirus procedures "We are keeping our clients informed as we are still working and we can handle your purchase & sale in the safest way possible. We are one of the exempt businesses that can continue to serve the public. We want to thank all the...
5 Tax Deductions When Selling A Home
1. Selling costs These deductions are allowed as long as they are directly tied to the sale of the home, and you lived in the home for at least two out of the five years preceding the sale. Another caveat: The home must be a principal residence and not an investment...
Preventing Corona/COVID-19 Virus in Communities
Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities from the Centers for Disease Control Protect yourself and your community from getting and spreading respiratory illnesses like coronavirus disease 2019. Americans should be prepared for the possibility of a COVID-19 outbreak...
Selling Your Home? Don’t Neglect These 6 Maintenance Tasks-or Else
If you're a homeowner, you already know that keeping your property in tiptop shape requires dedication and patience for ongoing maintenance. But what if you're putting your home on the market or even accepted an offer? Perhaps you're thinking: Not my problem anymore....
Buying A Home on a Busy Street Might Not Be a Deal Breaker. Here’s Why…..
Unless you live in a big city, living on a busy street is often considered highly undesirable. And even if you do find yourself in New York or Los Angeles, owning on a major thoroughfare can have its drawbacks. And while many of those drawback are valid (does anyone...
Sales of New Homes Fell in December But The Future Looks Bright For The Home-Building Industry!
The numbers: Sales of newly-constructed homes in the U.S. dropped 0.4% on a monthly basis in December to a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of 694,000, the government reported Monday. That’s compared with a seasonally-adjusted pace of 697,000 set in November, which was...
6 Strategies to Maximize Income Through Rental Investments
The success of a rental property investment hinges on several factors. Fortunately, many of these factors are within the control of the individual investor. To make the most money through your rental property investment, be sure to pay attention in these key areas:...
What Buyers & Sellers Should Do in 2020
Ten years ago, many homeowners were desperately hoping to hang on to their homes. Others were doing everything they could just to scare up potential buyers. Meanwhile, said buyers were struggling to get financing from newly skittish lenders. Ah, memories. What a...
VA Home Loan Expansion
Members of the military on active duty and veterans hoping to buy a home in expensive parts of the country have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. Starting next year, they'll be able to take out Veterans Affairs–backed mortgages as large as their bank...
First-Time Home Buyer Guide
Get the facts on what you need to do to get ready to buy your first home!