Giving Back
Join Us in Helping Others!
We believe that with all the positives we receive in this business it is important to find time to assist the less fortunate or the dis-advantaged. Every year Jones Homes Sales Associates donate time, clothing, food, school supplies, and monies to groups like those listed below. We ask that if you can give, please assist those in need. A few of our favorite organizations are listed below.

Children’s Hospital
This foundation was created in 1981 to raise awareness, manage and distribute funds to support Children’s Hospital and Medical Center premier pediatric services and programs. They can do so much but they cannot do it alone. This is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Visit their site.

Denver Rescue Mission
The “Mission” has been a long time Denver area staple assisting in the sheltering, feeding, clothing, education, Christian teaching, and work discipline to meet individuals at their spiritual and physical points of need. An array of programs that help people regain control of their lives. This is a 501(c)(3) organization. Visit their site.

Jefferson County Action Center
Since 1968 the Jefferson County Action Center has helped the needy with food, clothing, medical assistance, shelter, utility assistance, transportation, school supplies, and more. This is a 501(c)(3) organization. Visit their site.

Gateway Shelter
Helping women and children deal with Domestic abuse issues entering its’ 3rd decade of service. Providing a 24-hour crisis hotline, shelter, clothing, food, and counseling assisstance for those in need. A leader through-out the community, state, and nation in the field of domestice violence. Visit their site.

Whiz Kids Tutoring
Pairing kids with caring adult volunteers who tutor and mentor them in the spirit of Christ. Helping struggling kids with extra literacy and math education. Fostering higher levels of self-esteem and confidence in the kids we serve. A 501 (c)(3) organization. Visit their site.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Susan G. Komen for the Cure has been raising funds to fight breast cancer for over 27 years. The global leader of the breast cancer movement. Providing research dollars, grants, scholarships, fellowships and the like to gain a foothold for the cure. A 501 (c)(3) organization. Visit their site.

American Red Cross
A world-wide premier emergency response assistance organization formed in 1881 to provide neutral humanitarian care to victims of natural disasters, war, and domestic disasters. Collecting blood, providing health education, community services for the needy, and comforting military members and their families are just a few of the tasks the American Red Cross take on for all of us. A 501(c)(3)organization. Visit their site.