6 Strategies to Maximize Income Through Rental Investments

6 Strategies to Maximize Income Through Rental Investments

The success of a rental property investment hinges on several factors. Fortunately, many of these factors are within the control of the individual investor. To make the most money through your rental property investment, be sure to pay attention in these key areas:...
What Buyers & Sellers Should Do in 2020

What Buyers & Sellers Should Do in 2020

Ten years ago, many homeowners were desperately hoping to hang on to their homes. Others were doing everything they could just to scare up potential buyers. Meanwhile, said buyers were struggling to get financing from newly skittish lenders. Ah, memories. What a...
VA Home Loan Expansion

VA Home Loan Expansion

Members of the military on active duty and veterans hoping to buy a home in expensive parts of the country have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. Starting next year, they’ll be able to take out Veterans Affairs–backed mortgages as large as their bank...