Jones Homes REO Services
Your One-Stop solution for all of your asset
management and REO disposition needs!
With a dedicated, experienced team of real estate brokers, Jones Homes REO Services provides a full-service, one-stop solution for your REO Asset Management and marketing needs! Our agents are familiar with the entire REO disposition process, including:
- Pre-listing maintenance tasks
- Valuation
- Preservation
- Marketing
- Contract negotiations
- Closing
We have a thorough list of contractors to provide the necessary preservation tasks, including:
- Trashouts
- Rekeying and securing of the property
- Winterization
- Lawn maintenance
- And general contractors for any repairs or updating a client may wish to do.
Our team personally selects experienced contractors so that you, the client, are assured the work will be completed on time, efficiently, with great quality, safely, and at a reasonable price. Our experience and team approach allows us to be very competitive in negotiating our fees and commissions, giving the client the best value in the marketplace. Our systems and staffing allow us to manage even a substantial volume of properties for the largest of clients while maintaining service and a “personal touch” to the entire process, ensuring a smooth and timely transaction.
Jones Homes REO Services’ satisfied clients:
AMC/CitiFinancial, AssetLink Services, OCWEN Realty Advisors, Goodman Dean, Clear Capital, FARVV/Source One, Green River Capital, Keystone Asset Management, EMortgageLogic, SingleSource Properties, and many more.